Edition Dog prefers PayWhirl over PayPal

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Edition Dog is an online magazine using PayWhirl for subscriptions. They take an integrative and holistic approach to dog health, well-being, and nutrition; so their readers can make informed choices on providing the very best for their dog.  It was created by Jennifer Dow after losing her German Sheppard after just 2 years and 5 months.

She felt the need and saw the opportunity to spread the knowledge she learned from this tragic life event.  Too often dog owners are scouring the internet looking for answers to help their furry children as one would do for their child.  Edition Dog saves those people time by providing the information and answers, they might spend days looking for.

More Options

“It has increased our subscriptions early on for a new magazine title, as it offers more payment options”

PayWhirl supports payment gateways in almost every country.  We also accept all major credit and debit cards in over 100 multiple currencies.  This support covers over 100 gateways, including some that don’t support subscriptions.

Jennifer uses PayPal for her other magazine titles, but recently discovered PayWhirl on the Shopify App.  She decided to give us a try when launching Edition Dog and couldn’t be happier.  She also found PayWhirl to be more user friendly than PayPal.

PayWhirl integrates with PayPal & Braintree (owned by PayPal) so you can use our recurring payment widgets with your PayPal/Braintree account and get the best of both worlds!

Brand Customization

“We love how we can add our corporate colors and images to make this page look part of our brand and fit with the rest of our website. Dare I say it looks more ascetically pleasing than a PayPal button”

PayWhirl lets you customize the customer experience.  This lets our customers keep the look and feel of their brand while PayWhirl is tucked away behind the scenes.  There is a widget for almost anything you need or want to add or customize.  It’s as simple as copying and pasting a snippet of code into your website.  Your customers don’t want to feel like they are being transferred to use a third party, and neither does PayWhirl.

Customer Portal Feature

“We love the Paywhirl portal that we have on our website… Our customers have said they are less worried about signing up as they can see they can control their subscription easily”

PayWhirl’s customer portal makes customers feel more in control of their payments and options. It provides a more transparent experience for customers when they are managing their account.  As the administrator you also have control to your customers’ portal and can make changes or edits.  You can even edit the customers’ subscription, change number of installments, see all invoices and information, and/or switch the customer to a different payment plan.  Check out all the features of our customer portal here.

Edition Dog Magazine prefers PayWhirl because of our diverse payment options, customization options, customer portal, and our ease of use and set up.  Try us out! When  you decide to switch your payment platform to PayWhirl tell us what your favorite features are!

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