Sample Thank You Letters For Donations

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If you’re one of our nonprofit customers, you probably accept some form of donation on your website. When someone donates to your organization, it’s a great idea to send them a thank you letter. Thank you letters show your donors that you appreciate their support and give you a chance to make them feel good in return for supporting your cause. Not only is it polite to send a thank you note to a donor, it also increases their chances of donating next time you are raising money. When you thank someone, stress hormones such as cortisol are reduced, causing both parties to feel more comfortable with each other and more likely to perform transactions again in the future.

Thank the donor and address them by name. Don’t mass print a bunch of generic thank you notes. If you can, hand write them. If you send your thank you notes over email, many programs (including PayWhirl’s email templates) will allow you to insert a variable for the customer’s name or other information that would fit well into the note.

Donation Thank You Note Tips:

  • Tell them what the money will be used for. If you met your goals thank them again for helping and let them know what goals were met with their help.
  • Try to write as through you were talking with them face to face. If they donated a big amount, you may even consider calling them or visiting them face to face.
  • Don’t use your thank you letter as a chance to ask for another donation. You have their contact information, you can market to them later.

Sample Donation Thank You Letters

We’ve written a couple of sample thank you letters that you can use as templates when writing your own.

Dear Edwin,

Thank you so much for your donation to the Children’s Fund for Betterment! We couldn’t be happier having you as a supporter.Your donation will help us buy new clothes, toys and food for children in need around the world. Because of your support, we were able to meet our goal and raise $100,000 to buy a new water filtration system and the equipmentwe need to build a new irrigation system for a community in Africa.

We couldn’t do what we do without awesome donors like yourself! Thank you for being who you are!

Children’s Fund for Betterment

Dear Sandy,

We’ve just received your donation to the Global Cookie Fund. Thank you so much for your support!It’s because of people like you that we’re able to give a cookie to everyone in the world.

Your donation will go towards new facilities and ovens so that we can travel the world again and, this time,give everyone two cookies. Never in humanity’s history has a feat of this magnitude been accomplished!

As our way of saying “thanks for being an awesome person”, we’d like to offer you free entrance into the Cookie Palace in Bozeman, Montana for life!

Come in and enjoy a freshly baked cookie anytime you’d like!

Global Cookie Fund

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