BJJ PreHab

Subscription automation is helping a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu company excel

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BJJ Prehab uses PayWhrils subscription automation features to charge customers for weekly access to their injury prevention video routines.

Overall, their goal is to provide customers with personalized, weekly video exercises that keep the body working optimally and reduce risks of injury.

Each weekly video focuses on showcasing exercise movements like joint strength and body flexibility. BJJ Prehab’s video tutorials help customers practice Jiu-Jitsu while reducing the risk of preventable injuries.

PayWhirl for Subscription Automation

Like many PayWhirl customers, BJJ Prehab was looking for a secure and comprehensive automatic billing solution for Shopify.

After searching, they found the ability to automate the customer signup, payment, and account management process using PayWhirl. The icing on the cake was PayWhirl’s ability to provide the functionality they need for subscription automation in a single application.

Key Benefits of using PayWhirl for Subscription automation on Shopify

All in one, security – PayWhirls secure PCI compliant platform. Along with seamless functionality with Shopify, provided a way to enable subscription automation without paying a developer. PayWhirl can be configured to support many recurring payment use cases “out of the box” without the need to touch code.

“It saved us from having to pay a developer to build some of this functionality for us.”

BJJ Prehab

Communication – BJJ Prehab primarily uses PayWhirl’s email notifications to communicate with their customers. By using PayWhirl’s custom templates, it gave them the flexibility to match the look and feel of their site without using Code. PayWhirl supports 10+ emails to ensure you can communicate with your subscription customers effectively. Each email template can be enabled, disabled or customized as needed based on the business use case.

Integration – PayWhirl’s ability to integrate seamlessly with Shopify allowed BJJ Prehab to offer subscription billing on its existing site, without the need to hire a developer.

“Its been good for us because our site runs on Shopify. PayWhirl was the best of the options out there.”

BJJ Prehab

As a result, Paywhirl’s features allow BJJ Prehab and their staff to use their combined expertise in Jiu-Jitsu and Physical Therapy to help clients reduce the risk of injury.

Advice from BJJ Prehab

Use PayWhirl for their “simplicity, security and billing automation features.”

“Pick a platform that is a one-stop-shop for your needs. So that you don’t need to hassle with a bunch of different backends (and expose your customers to extra complexity!). And obviously, pick a platform that integrates with modern, secure payment providers, like Stripe.”

BJJ Prehab

In addition, if you’re into martial arts. Check out the BJJ Prehab website! Above all, they provide you the tools you need to feel better, reduce the risk of injury, and add years to your practice.

In this case, you have any questions on how you can implement recurring payments or subscription automation on your website. We’re here to help.

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